At first sight it may seem that porn and technology are two things that have no direct relationship between them, but we can tell you that porn has been the anchor of most technological supports. In this article we will analyze where in the advance of technology porn has been essential to lay its foundations and we promise you will be surprised.
The Video Home System (VHS)
In the 1970s two formats were struggling to establish themselves as the king of home players: Betamax and VHS. Although Sony’s Betamax offered higher quality recordings, a tape could only hold up to 60 minutes of footage while the VHS came in at 3 hours. Thanks to VHS, people could record their favorite movies, including pornographic ones, of course. Sony decided that it did not want films for the over-18s to be recorded on its tapes so the battle was won, effortlessly, by the VHS.
Thus, in the late 1970s, porn accounted for 50% of the VHS tapes sold in the United States, which meant that many people were buying players en masse. If we count on the fact that at that time the price of a VHS player was around 800 euros, we have the reason why the VHS reached every home on the planet.

The Internet Age
This one will be very easy: if in 2001, there were around 70,000 porn pages and today more than 26 million, nobody has the slightest doubt that porn laid the foundations for the development of the Internet. For 12% of Internet websites are pornographic and every second that passes there are approximately 28,528 users connected to the Internet watching youporn. Other studies conducted by major US universities show that 25% of all searches on search engines are related to pornography and 35% of all downloads from the Internet are pornographic.
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